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Community Library

Providing Everything You Need



Milnsbridge lost its council run library many many years ago.  At the village hall we have created a small library for the use of the community.  We have over 2000 books including fiction for both adults and children, cookery and craft books.

Free Membership

No membership is required, just turn up when the library is open and browse our books. 

You can take the books away and keep them or bring them back and exchange.

You can also sit in one of our comfy chairs and read the books if you prefer.

Library Table
Library Shelves

Opening Times

Our Library is open to the public on Monday 13.30 to 16.30, Tuesdays 12.30 to 15.00 and

Fridays 11.00 to 16.00.

Donations of pre-loved paperback books in good condition are always welcome.

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