Fancy Volunteering?
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
Milnsbridge Village Hall is a community asset run by a small but very willing band of volunteers. We are always looking out for people to join the team. If you feel you could spare some time, how ever little or infrequent we would be happy to hear from you.

Could you spare some time?
Our volunteers undertake basic maintenance within the hall, from changing a light bulb to touching up paint work around doors even varnishing the main hall floor to keep it in tip top condition.
If you like being outside we also have a team who tend the gardens, mow the grass, plant up the flower beds and tubs. As well as trying to keep the steps, ramp and yard weed free.
One of the more flexible jobs is checking people into the hall that have a one off event, all we require is someone to meet and greet them, show them where things are and then go back at the end of the event to make sure every where is tidy and lock up.
If you are more creative, we can always do with help designing posters for our events, or help post on social media. If you have a passion for photography we are always looking for good quality shots of the hall and events to help with publicity.
If you have a bit of spare time could you wonder round Milnsbridge handing out posters to business?
Don't worry one of the biggest jobs was to help increase online presence, which if you are reading this has been achieved by our cyber bunnies. So technophobes please come forwards!
The list is really endless, but any skill you have we would be happy to use, don't panic, you do not have to sign up for life, or have to join a dreaded committee, of course we would love that but it is not a necessity to volunteer.
If you may be interested but would like more information, give us a call on 01484309543 or use the details on the CONTACT page to contact us via email or Facebook.
Thanks for reading and hope to hear from you soon!